Electrical Contracting Excellence
Our Clients
Aldridge Electric, Inc.
Metra Matteson Substation
Electrical Upgrade - 4.731M
06/2024 - PresentCTA Damen Green Line Elevated CTA Station
Lighting Systems and Electrical Equipment - 2.434M
09/2022 thru 07/2024Chicago Transit Authority
4G Subway Cellular Antenna System Upgrade - $7.9M
11/2015 thru 02/2017
IHC Construction Companies, LLC
Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation, dba METRA
Metra Electrical District 3 Stations
(79th/Chatham, 87th/Woodruff, and 103rd/Rosemoor)
Electrical underground ducts & raceways for service, power and
communications, Controls, Fire Alarm System, and Light Fixtures - 2.807M
07/2023 thru PresentMetra 147th / Sibley Station
Electrical Gear, Controls, Fire Alarm System, and Light Fixtures - 1.256M
04/2022 thru PresentBlue Island Vermont Street Station Improvements
Electrical Gear and Light Fixtures - 305K
04/2022 thru 09/2023
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Stickney Coarse Screens
Control Panels, Communications, Motors, and Equipment - 397K
08/2022 thru PresentMcCook Reservoir Rock Wall
Instrumentation / Controls Equipment - 321K
06/2022 thru PresentThornton Transitional Reservoir Decommissioning
Electrical, Odor Control Vapor System, and Instrumentation - 329K
03/2022 thru PresentKirie Fine Screens
Electrical & Controls (Emerson DCS Integration) - 414K
01/2022 thru 11/2023Hanover Park Disc Filters
Electrical for Installation of Disk Filters and Other Improvements - 26K
05/2021 thru 12/2021
John Burns Construction Company
Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation, dba METRA
Rock Island District, New Auburn Park Station & Parking Facility
Electrical / Communications / Electronic Safety & Security - 1.96M
05/2022 thru PresentCTA O'Hare Line - Irving Park Station Escalator and Canopy Replacement
Electrical & Fire Alarm System - 103K
01/2023 thru 03/2024CDOT - Jackson Park Mobility Improvements
Pump Stations Wiring (4) and CPD Electrical Upgrades - 227K
05/2023 thru 03/2024
F.H. Paschen
Chicago Transit Authority, Blue Line Station
Camera, Speakers, and Lighting Installations - $800K
08/2017 thru 08/2018CTA Green Line Station Renovations
Cameras, Speakers, and Lighting - $400K
08/2013 thru 02/2014
Quantum Crossings, LLC
Chicago Transit Authority
CCTV Systemwide Maintenance - $3.2M
11/2018 thru 09/2023
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
Tarp Electrical Control Chambers and Tide Gate Monitoring
Electrical Services to Inspect - 63K
11/2021 thru 10/2022
Chicago State University
Gift of Hope
Low Voltage Change - 120K
02/2023 thru 07/2023
Paul Borg Construction Company
Cook County Department of Corrections
Wireless Access Points Installation - $2.9M
08/2018 thru 05/2019
Cook County Courthouses
Energy Performance Contract - $1.3M
11/2015 thru 09/2016Cook County, DOC - Division 5 EMS
Energy Performance Contract - $700K
02/2014 thru 06/2014Cook County DOC Juvenile Detention Center
Garage Lighting - $450K
04/2013 thru 06/2013
Public Building Commission of Chicago
Project Retrofit One - $500K
09/2014 thru 06/2015
Berglund Construction
University of Chicago
Neubauer Family Collegium - $1.5M
04/2014 thru 08/2015
Schneider Electric
Public Building Commission of Chicago
Project Retrofit One - $130K
09/2014 thru 06/2015
Johnson Controls
Stroger Hospital Campus
Lighting Retrofit - $650K
08/2013 thru 07/2014
Stroger Hospital Campus
Energy Performance - $1.0M
08/2013 thru 06/2014
Kiewit Infrastructure
CTA Red Line Station Renovations
Cameras, Speakers, and Lighting - $850K
08/2013 thru 02/2014
James McHugh Construction Company
CTA Blue Line Station Renovations
Cameras, Speakers, and Lighting - $850K
08/2013 thru 02/2014